March online professional development at Museum Study

March online professional development at Museum Study

by Brad Bredehoft -
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Cultural Competency online course begins March 6
Creating organizations that are culturally competent is not an altruistic wish, but rather a business strategy to ensure our workforce reflects, represents, and is responsive to the communities with whom we collaborate and serve and perhaps more critically, how we shape our programs, exhibits, and collections. While cultural competency has long been incorporated into the medical disciplines and the fields of psychology and social work they have been slow to enter the cultural heritage professions.
Join Helen Wong Smith for this 4 week online course which provides the skills to employ cultural competency and the stages individuals and organizations can implement to improve relations with internal and external communities.
For more information about the course visit our website:
If you would like to learn more about Cultural Competency watch the webinar Beyond checking the EEO box: Cultural Competency, the first step in DEIA on our YouTube channel.

Creating Successful Traveling Exhibitions online course begins March 6
Ever wanted to know how to develop a traveling exhibition?
If so, Creating Successful Traveling Exhibitions is for you. This class will be focused on providing you with the nuts and bolts on how to develop and tour traveling exhibitions. We will be delving into all stages of the traveling exhibit development process and tips and strategies will be provided to build sustainable frameworks for these types of exhibitions.
Join Instructor Saul Sopoci Drake and participants from at least 3 countries for this 4 week online professional development course.

Assessing Risk to Cultural Property 1 online course begins March 6
Assessing risks to cultural property, including but not limited to Museum, Library, and Archive collections, is becoming a fundamental ability for collection care professionals and administrators to make informed decisions about not only where the risks to collections are, but also where resources will have the greatest effect in addressing those risks. Join instructor Robert Waller for the first in a series of online courses on Risk to Cultural Property. This introductory course provides a firm foundation on which to build an understanding of risk-based approaches to cultural property protection.